Pregnancy and Progesterone

husband and pregnant wifeGood Progesterone levels are needed during pregnancy to help support the growing foetus via consistent supply of progesterone to the endometrium. Using natural progesterone during pregnancy:

  • Increases the feeling of wellbeing of the Mother
  • Increases the potential IQ of the child
  • Produces calmer less colicky babies
  • May help reduce the incidence of post-natal blues and post-natal depression (PND)
  • Help prepare breast tissue for breast feeding
  • Helps carry baby to term, reduces chances of preterm birth
  • May reduce morning sickness in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy

Morning sickness

Morning sickness is experienced by pregnant women during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. About 80% of women feel nausea and some experience vomiting. Severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum) in pregnancy can significantly affect the health and nutrition of both mother and baby. Some tips:

  • Eat little and often, avoid spicy & fatty foods, if you can’t tolerate protein don’t worry for once in your life eat carbs without a conscience.
  • Sip on ginger tea throughout the day – slice fresh ginger and pour hot water over it, can be drunk hot or cold.
  • Acupuncture from a reputable practitioner can help relieve
  • Smoothies are easily digested, adding coconut water can help reduce dehydration
  • If you feel nauseous, stop, rest and eat

When pregnant is it very important to be aware to the food you eat. Food should be eaten as fresh as possible, thoroughly cooked, or washed if eaten raw. Make sure you think through where it comes from, how it is prepared and handled. Whilst weight gain is part of being pregnant, excess weight gain is undesirable. Continuing to gently exercise is important, yoga, swimming, walking are all low impact and important. Also ensuring you eat the right foods and continue to nourish your body with essential minerals and vitamins.


  • Organic and free-range foods are best and reduce exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics
  • A diet full of fresh fruits, veges, and essential proteins (fish, chicken, lean meat, eggs, tofu)
  • Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Folate rich foods – hard cheese, broccoli, sesame seeds, meat, lentils, green leafy veges, avocado, oranges, and eggs ae examples of these.


  • Raw meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, and foods containing raw eggs like mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, uncooked cheesecake, mousse.
  • Smoked, salted, cured, processed deli meats: pâtés and seafoods
  • Soft cheese, unpasteurized milk and cheese
  • Fish with high mercury levels or industrial pollutants (shark, orange roughy, bluefin tuna, swordfish)
  • All shellfish
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Unwashed fruit and veges


Axe, Josh October 14, 2015. accessed 16/04/2019 Dalton K. (1999) Once a Month. Salt Lake City, UT. Publishers Press.
De Renzo G. C.,(2005) et al. Progesterone and pregnancy. December: 17 (6): 598-600. PubMed 16258341 Lee John (1999) What your Doctor may not tell you about Premenopause
Martin R, Gerstung J. (2005) The Estrogen Alternative. (4th Ed). New York, NY. Bear & Company Northrup Christiane. (2006) Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. New York, NY. Bantam Books