Miscarriage and Infertility

infertilityAn adequate amount of Progesterone is crucial to a woman who is trying to become pregnant. One of the functions of Natural Progesterone is to prepare the uterine wall for the implantation of the fertilised egg. Without sufficient natural Progesterone the fertilised egg will be expelled, a common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester. Progesterone is essential for conception and for sustaining a pregnancy. Low progesterone levels can be one cause of recurrent early miscarriages, inability to conceive a second or subsequent pregnancy (secondary infertility), and there is also research which indicates progesterone use reduces the risks of preterm labour. Studies also show that progesterone may help prevent post-natal depression (PND), often due to the low progesterone levels that occur postpartum.

Progesterone treatment can also be used to induce fertility when there appears to be ovulatory dysfunction.

Along with progesterone therapy there are other strategies to adopt to help conception. These include:

  • Check your basic health: vitamin D, iron, iodine, folate, and zinc are all vital nutrients to aid
  • Quit smoking and reduce alcohol: alcohol makes sperm ‘drunk’ and can lower testosterone in men and disrupt hormone balance in women.
  • Change your diet: maximise a ‘clean’, unprocessed, organic or free-range diet to minimise exposure to Include foods high in vitamin D3, zinc, Iodine, folate, iron, and omega-3.
  • Hydration is vital: too much caffeine, cola, energy drink, tea, or chocolate can affect hormone balance and liver function increasing the risk of miscarriage.
  • Clear your cupboards: environmental toxins affect hormone balance, use organic and more natural personal and cleaning products whenever possible, minimise the use of plastics, clean the air with indoor plants.
  • Watch your weight: being both over and under weight can cause conception In men being overweight can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm
  • Take a good pregnancy specific multi-vitamin to ensure nutrients for conception and pregnancy. Tresos Natal provides preconception support for men and women, pregnancy support and breastfeeding support for women, in a bioavailable form.

A study was performed involving 50 women who had lived with infertility for a minimum of one and a half years. 70 per cent of the women conceived within 6 months while exclusively using Progesterone therapy.

  • The range of ages of women included in the study was 18 to 39 with an average age of 31,
  • the average period of infertility was 8 years
  • in the 35 patients who conceived 5 patients had a history of previous spontaneous abortions; all others had primary infertility.

Dr Dalton is one of many Scientist and Doctors who have discovered that Progesterone in the Natural form:

  • Protects the foetus from miscarriage
  • Increases the feeling of well being of the Mother
  • Increases the potential IQ of the child
  • Produces calmer less colicky babies

To protect the foetus the body secretes 10 to 15 times more Progesterone during pregnancy than at other times. Dr Lee tells us that the placenta becomes the major source of Progesterone producing 300 to 400mgs per day in the third trimester.

Patient Advocates has for over 20 years assisted many women and men with infertility. We have many patients who have successfully conceived and carried their babies to term.

Click Here to read client's stories on Miscarriage and Infertility


Axe, Josh October 14, 2015. https://draxe.com/progesterone-cream accessed 16/04/2019 Dalton K. (1999) Once a Month. Salt Lake City, UT. Publishers Press.
De Renzo G. C.,(2005) et al. Progesterone and pregnancy. December: 17 (6): 598-600. PubMed 16258341 Lee John (1999) What your Doctor may not tell you about Premenopause
Martin R, Gerstung J. (2005) The Estrogen Alternative. (4th Ed). New York, NY. Bear & Company Northrup Christiane. (2006) Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. New York, NY. Bantam Books